We offer many services that provide mobile solutions from a simplicity perspective. We adjust to your company´s needs and to your budget:
Design and development of websites, from tailored websites to more complex web systems and online stores.
Software development, from commercial websites to web ERP`s.
Branding design: logo, presentation cards, folders, publicity.
We create and improve your brand. We also provide market research and digital marketing.
Software has become complex, to the point of having too many options that user´s are just not even aware of. It takes time and training to learn how to use it and this takes a lot of time and money out of your business, besides,
is limited to be used just in certain computers.
In Petrotek we are aware of the importante of technology in the oil industry. We provide solutions to complex problems through mobile applications development and consulting, to maximize taking advange of the resources
Change the way companies work through mobile applications development that help increase productivity, control and information workflows, always with simplicity perspective.
Become a leading software international company in the oil industry by 2020, always seeking to fullfill our clients needs and expactations.
Our skills make sure you get a quality software and service:
More and more companies are implementing a mobile strategy, here is why:
Think mobile apps save time.
Think that working remotetly is easier.
Think apps increase productivity.
There will be more devices connected to internet than people.
New possibilities for the oil industry: